Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Museum of Contemporary Art

Carly and I took the subway to the Seoul Museum of Contemporary Art today. Once we got off, we had to walk up the Seoul Grand Park gauntlet of old ladies selling boiled silkworm larvae (with it's lovely fragrence filling the air.) And they're not in a group. They line the 200 yard path that leads up to Seoul Land, The Seoul Zoo, and the Museum of Contemporary Art. So every time you think you're free, your nose is accosted anew within seconds.
Once we made it there, it was very cool. We saw lots of neat art. We saw a massive sculpture made of black dice. It consisted of amorphous shapes that were very round and had interesting slopes and concave arches, which was especially notable considering dice are, well, square.
In the center of the museum was a giant tower made of 1003 television sets (all Samsung brand) made by a famous Korean video artist called "The more, the better." Korean foundation day is October 3rd, (10/03) so that was the significance of the number of TV's. It was supposed to be the artist's conveyance of his wish for national prosperity. Putting in for 1003 Samsung television sets probably ensured Samsung's economic prosperity, so I think he did his part for society.
After we finished there, we headed out to Isu, where we went to the Tofu House and got some excellent fried whole fish. We are now adept at dismantling entire sea creatures with only chopsticks and our own ravenous wills. We ran into our friend Mike there serendipitously, who was sporting a saucy and shiny cape from his Halloween costume, and he helped us take our fried fishy apart.


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